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Crusader Antivirus Manual Removal: Windows XP and Vista

Crusader Antivirus Manual Removal: Windows XP and Vista

Published by KarlM

Default Crusader Antivirus Manual Removal: Windows XP and Vista

Crusader Antivirus is a counterfeit program which presents itself as an antivirus application. It was developed by a company named RITAX Limited Software, and is identical to the AGAVA Antispy program. Trojans are usually the means by which the Crusader Antivirus spreads itself (without knowledge of the user), and once installed in a computer, tricks users into purchasing the ‘antivirus’.

The Crusader Antivirus initiates itself within a system, and claims to scan the computer and find various infections that need removal as soon as possible to prevent system corruption. Again, these infections are expectedly fake, and are meant only to promote the sale of the ‘antivirus’. During operation, the system will usually display many security notifications and pop-ups, which are also fake.

The Crusader Antivirus usually logs your computer onto the Internet by itself, and goes as far as to modify your browser settings. Once online, it displays various commercials and advertisements while remaining in the background.

Once these symptoms occur to your system, it is best to remove the Crusader Antivirus. Manual removal is possible. Here are the steps on how to remove the Crusader Antivirus from your computer:

Crusader Antivirus Manual Removal

1. Halt the process which runs the Crusader Antivirus. Press the Ctrl, Alt, and Delete keys to go to the Windows Task Manager. As an alternative, Ctrl + Alt + Escape also opens the Task Manager. Simply choose the file which reads ‘CrusaderAntivirus.exe’, and select the option stating ‘End Process’.

2. Locate the following files associated with the Crusader Antivirus, and remove them. First, go to the ‘Start’ button on your computer’s desktop and click on it. Follow through to ‘Search’, and subsequently, ‘For Files and Folders’. Select the files listed below, and go to ‘Local Hard Drives’, of which the C: drive is usually the default location.
• c:\Program Files\Crusader Antivirus\CrusaderAntivirus.exe
• c:\Program Files\Crusader Antivirus\firewall.dll
• c:\Program Files\Crusader Antivirus\Uninstall.exe
• c:\Program Files\Crusader Antivirus\Help
• c:\Program Files\Crusader Antivirus\Help\reg.html
• c:\Program Files\Crusader Antivirus\Help\support.png
• c:\Program Files\Crusader Antivirus\blacklist.cga
• c:\Program Files\Crusader Antivirus\core.cga
• c:\Program Files\Crusader Antivirus\CoreExt.dll
• %UserProfile%\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\CrusaderAntivirus.lnk
• %UserProfile%\Desktop\CrusaderAntivirus.lnk
• %UserProfile%\Start Menu\Programs\Crusader Antivirus
• %UserProfile%\Start Menu\Programs\Crusader Antivirus\CrusaderAntivirus.lnk
• %UserProfile%\Start Menu\Programs\Crusader Antivirus\Uninstall Crusader Antivirus.lnk
3. Remove the Crusader Antivirus Registry Values.
If you’re using a Windows XP operating system, go to ‘Start’, and then ‘Run’ on your desktop. Type ‘regedit’ in the search box, and click on ‘Ok’ for access to Windows Registry Editor.
For computers running Windows Vista, simple go to ‘Start’ and enter ‘regedit’ within the search box. This will open the Registry Editor.
Remove this value: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curre ntVersion\Run “Crusader Antivirus”


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