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  • Freeware tools & utilities
  • All these utilities have been downloaded and tested and are free from viruses or spyware.
  • Use these files at your own risk!
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Category Description Files
Audio & Video Free cd/dvd audio video utilities and tools 4
Antispyware Free Anti Spyware, Adware removal and protection tools 9
Antivirus Free Antivirus software utilities and tools 4
Back Up Free BackUp Software and Utilities 4
Boot Disks MS- DOS and Windows boot disks 19
Data Recovery Free tools to recover lost data 7
Diagnostics Free Diagnostics tools and Utilities 11
File Utilities Free file and zip utilities 14
Firewalls Free Firewall software 2
Ftp Utilities Free ftp software tools and utilities 5
Graphics Utilities Free graphics tools and utilities 6
Networking Free Networking tools and utilities 6
Password Recovery Free password recovery tools and utilities 8
Photo Utilities Free Photo editing and management utilities 3
Registry Free Registry utilities and tools 5
System Utilities Free System utilities and tools 28
Downloads: 693282 We have 135 files in 16 categories.

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