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Remove Win32 Heur Virus: Windows Vista and XP

By KarlM
What is the Win32 Heur Virus?

Win32 Heur (heuristic), also known as the Win/32 Heur virus, is a high-risk self-replicating polymorphic trojan. It usually installs onto Windows systems without the knowledge of the user. It infects computers through suspicious file-sharing applications, spam emails, corrupt media files, and ****-related sites. The Win32 Heur alters the computer’s Win32 files and installs more worms, Trojans, and other viruses into the infected PC.

Win32 Heur Virus Removal

To remove Win32 Heur Virus you need to clean (reset) your System Restore

1. Turn off System Restore

• Click on ‘Start,’ right-click on ‘My Computer,’ and select ‘Properties.’
• Click on ‘System Restore.’
• Access ‘Turn off System Restore.’ Choose ‘OK.’
• Once the prompt to turn off ‘System Restore’ appears, click on ‘Yes.’
• Now Reboot your system

2. Create a new Restore Point

• Click on ‘Start,’ right-click on ‘My Computer,’ and select ‘Properties.’
• Click on ‘System Restore.’
• Access ‘Turn off System Restore,’ and choose ‘OK.’

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