1) If by chance that you have windows defender installed...uninstall it through add/remove....There have been instances that Windows Defender has caused this type of error.
2) In internet options > General tab.....delete all files and cookies and history and if prompted all offline content as well.
There might be an issue with the index.dat file and it may need to be deleted...
from Microsoft:
To work around this problem, move your Temporary Internet Files folder to another location, delete the old folder, and then (if you want to) move your Temporary Internet Files folder back to the original location:
1)In either My Computer or Windows Explorer, create a new folder.
2)In Internet Explorer, click Internet Options on the Tools menu.
3)On the General tab, click Settings under Temporary Internet Files.
4)In the Settings dialog box, click Move Folder under Temporary Internet Files folder.
5)Click the folder that you created in step 1, and then click OK.
6)If you are prompted to log off, click Yes, and then log on to Windows again. If you are not prompted to log off, click OK to close all of the dialog boxes.
7)In either My Computer or Windows Explorer, delete the old Temporary Internet Files folder, and then create a new folder in the same location with the same name.

Repeat steps two through six again, but in step five, click to select the new folder that you created in step seven.
NOTE: You must repeat this process when logged on as each user of the computer.