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Automatic Log On in Windows Vista

By babyme
If you would like to save some time during startup, then you can configure your computer to log on to your user account automatically especially if you are the only one using the computer and security is not really a problem. Configuring changes can be done in less than five minutes. Here are the steps:
1. Click on the Start button, then enter netplwiz on the space provided, then press the Enter key. The control panel for Advanced User Accounts will appear.
2. Go to the Users tab, then uncheck the box beside it that says “Users must enter a username and password to use the computer.” Then, click on the Apply button.
3. The dialog box for Automatically Log On will then appear. Enter your password where prompted to do so then click on Ok.
4. Also click Ok on the window for User Accounts to complete the process.
So now, when you open your computer, it will automatically log on to your account.

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