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Old 01-26-2007, 02:14 PM
Sandra Sandra is offline
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Pc Blue Acer Notebook repairs ---or lack of repairs

Hi everyone,
I have to start by saying that I am very happy that I found this community and to introduce myself. I am Sandra, a Canadian who lives in a beautiful village in northern Greece.I bought an Acer aspire 9504 notebook in April 2006. From the beginning, I found it sluggish and it would freeze quite frequently. On November 23,2006, it simply refused to turn on..... completely dead. I took it to the store where I purchased it and they verified that it had to be sent to Acer for repair. It was returned to the shop on Dec. 14, where it was discovered that it still was not working properly.... so back to Acer repair. It was returned to me on Jan. 4, 2007. It still had the occasional freezing problem and it made strange static popping noises ... 3 before loading windows and 1 during shut-down. Since I was quickly losing all faith in my Acer Aspire, I took it back to the store and they sent it back to Acer for the 3rd time, this time it was decided to replace the notebook. Acer claims they don't have the same model and want to replace it with the 9424 which is a value of 30% LESS than the 9504. It is now 2 months since this problem began and i still don't have a laptop. Needless to say I am totally frustrated. I have sent e-mails to every level of Acer I can find and have received no reply. Any suggestions??
By the way, I had originally requested ENGLISH Windows. When it came it had Greek. I put up and shut up since I can make do in Greek but not comfortably. Since we are at the replacing stage I requested English Windows in the replacement only to be told that that was not possible. Why?? Isn't Acer international?

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Old 01-27-2007, 09:06 AM
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You wont get an English version of Windows because all copies of Windows are multi-lingual. Just go to you Control panel>Regional and Language Setting and change it from there. As for Acer customer support I have heard both good and bad things about them. I would stick to your guns about the replacement and not get the cheaper one. As they have had you laptop for 3 months and it had a fault when you purchased it they should replace it with a model of the same or greater spec , not lesser.

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