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What is Prefetch folder?

By metal333
Windows generally makes cache like folder “Prefetch” where files are kept for faster access. This folder is present in installation directory/windows/prefetch. You can empty this folder periodically, like every 3 months to delete the old files that you are not using now from the prefetch folder. Windows XP is able to store or "prefetch" portions of data, files and applications that are used quite frequently. This makes those application load and processes faster when accessed by the user. But as time passes, the prefetch folder becomes overloaded from such files. Many of those files are not in use now. At that time, Windows XP starts wasting time on loading useless things, and results in slowing system performance.

Don’t think deleting the content of prefetch folder can cause damage to windows. Nothing critical or important is in this folder, and you can delete the entire content.

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