spoolsv.exe is supposed to be the program that handles the printer spooling. in some firewall discussions like zonealarm, they have also encountered this scenario. the common suggestion is that spoolsv.exe checks to see / thinks it may be a network printer so it attempts to check the network.
on suggestion is to turn of windows file and printer sharing. you normally dont have to change this setting as it provides more convenience for home networking and printing.
however, in our office, we specifically choose to turn this option off. the reason for this is to prevent our employees from freely sharing files and folders on the office network. we turn off the windows file and printer sharing mainly for tighter security measures.

The Windows File and Printer Sharing setting is specific to each network adapter. If you wish to turn this off, you have to set each of your wireless and wired network adapters and uncheck this option.
one more thing you can investigate upon, is to double check that it is the genuine and not spyware spoolsv.exe.
update your antivirus program, and manually locate and scan spoolsv.exe.
you may want to use Virus Total Online Scanner
its a good online scanner that will upload your suspected file and test it against many other antivirus programs and report the diagnosis of each
this is a sample of me scanning the spoolsv.exe
Virustotal says that i have an exact same copy of spoolsv.exe that has been first uploaded and checked on their database since 2009 September.. Virustotal assures me that the file has not been altered or changed and is not a clone spyware.