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SysChat » Tips 'n' Tricks » Windows 7 » How To Disconnect your PC from a Homegroup

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How To Disconnect your PC from a Homegroup

By dothy1005
A new feature of Windows 7, Homegroup is perfect for sharing data between systems. However, there are times when you feel the need to disconnect from your Homegroup when you do not have to access other files or the printer. The steps below explains how to

Sometimes you might find it necessary to leave a homegroup because you don’t need access to its files or printer. Here we’ll show you the steps for disconnecting from a Homegroup.

Before leaving the Homegroup, we suggest that you download or share all files that you want. This is because once you leave the Homegroup, all the users on the system can no longer access any of the shared data. Go to the Search box and key in homegroup. Hit Enter.

Once you are in the Homegroup settings windows, locate Other home group actions and click on Leave the homegroup

Next, go to the next window and click on Leave the Homegroup. You have the option not to leave but instead change what you’re sharing here to something that will remind you if you need to leave at some point.

After a few minutes it will completely disconnect and you can click on Finish.

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