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Effects and Removal of Back Orifice

Effects and Removal of Back Orifice

Published by DanielGray

Default Effects and Removal of Back Orifice

A Back Orifice virus was created by CDC (Cult of the Dead Cow). It permits a remote system to manipulate the infected Windows computer using the GUI or console application. The remote user can control a system via direct connection or LAN. Due to the capability of the Back Orifice, it was considered as hazardous program able to contaminate Windows Operating Systems.

Back Orifice Penetrating Methods

This application can be attached to any program, files or as a module of installation software. It could be executed by specific software of by itself, and it installs the secondary program, which might be run by a particular application. This will make the computer vulnerable because Back Orifice opens a door which can be utilized by the hacker to control the computer when connected to the web. Its operation is highly undetected.

How to Avoid Back Orifice Infection

Expert suggests that in able to avoid Back Orifice, the system should be regularly updated. Install from known source the necessary system and utility updates. The use of legitimate anti spyware application is recommended.

Back Orifice Infection Symptoms

When the computer closes or opens a program all on its own, it might be affected by Back Orifice. The hacker can reboot the system, lock the remote computer, execute any program, and can copy files. The hacker can also display messages, manage the mouse control, keyboard inputs, or manipulating the ROM drive.

Back Orifice Effects

The effects of Back Orifice on the infected system may be catastrophic since the hacker has the capacity to do anything with the remote system. This could cause a serious problem to the user, loss of data, which could damage the entire files and the system as well. Since the Back Orifice uses the TCP/IP network, the hacker is capable to manage the computer anywhere in the world and can ruin the entire operating system.

Easy Back Orifice Removal

To delete the Back Orifice, run the BoDetect program. Install the application and scan the system for Back Orifice’s file components. Delete all instances and files detected by the program. The application will erase the exe files of the malware.

How to Remove Back Orifice

To manually remove the Back Orifice, back up the registry before attempting the removal. Locate the following registry key using the Start Menu > Run > regedit >,
• HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ Windows\ CurrentVersion\ RunServices
• Erase the value (.exe) and highlight the entry and press delete.
• Close the regedit.
Using the Start Menu > Run > type Command > locate the following the delete: C:\Windows \ System \ exe~1


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