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printing tips, tweaks and tricks

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Edit in Print Preview

By pretty.elladon
After finishing your project in Microsoft Word and view it to be printed in the Print Preview Screen, you notice a little typographical mistake in one of your paragraphs. You immediately close it to go back to your document and correct that error. Unfortunately, you cannot remember where you saw the mistake and you have to go back again to the Print Preview Screen to double check the error, then go back again to the document only to find out you have “lost” the error again. Sounds familiar? It has happened to me a lot of times before I found out that you can actually edit your document even in the Print Preview Screen. Just click on the magnifying glass icon on the toolbar and it will change your cursor into an editing tool. You can first zoom in the document to view the words easily. When you have finished editing your document, just click on the Magnifier button again and you will go back to previewing your document for printing.

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