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Downloads [Download CleanUp!]
File Name: CleanUp! (Unknown Size) Download
Author: Unknown (Uploaded by Sami)
Date Added: 03-17-2006
Downloads: 1713
Grade: A+
Free disk space, make your computer run better/faster and protect your privacy - all in one easy solution. All for free!

CleanUp! is a powerful and easy-to-use application that removes temporary files created while surfing the web, empties the Recycle Bin, deletes files from your temporary folders and more.

CleanUp! frees disk space and reduces the "clutter" on your computer helping it to run more efficiently. It also can be used as a way to protect your privacy on the Internet. You can even instruct CleanUp! to securely delete files making it impossible to retrieve their contents using lower-level disk tools - just another way of protecting your privacy.

No gimmicks here, CleanUp! is so easy to set up and use that you'll have a lean, clean, mean machine in minutes.
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