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Downloads [Download Comodo Personal Firewall]
File Name: Comodo Personal Firewall (Unknown Size) Download
Author: Unknown (Uploaded by Sami)
Date Added: 02-26-2006
Downloads: 1129
Grade: C-
FREE Comodo Personal Firewall - Secure your system against internal attacks such as Trojan viruses / malicious software and external attacks by hackers. Safeguard your personal data though a simple user friendly single click interface offering full immunity to attack. Comodo Personal Firewall helps you connect in a secure way to the internet and global networks.
Downloads [Download Comodo Personal Firewall]

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Dewald Basson
02-03-2009 at 12:29 PM
Hi, I am a novice, or better yet, I know very little about computers and appreciate the simple way a lot of things get explained on SysChat....tx!!!

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