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Downloads [Download IObit SmartDefrag]
File Name: IObit SmartDefrag (1.84 MB) Download
Author: IObit (Uploaded by Sami)
Date Added: 04-11-2007
Downloads: 1402
Grade: A-
The main cause of slow/unstable PC performance is disk fragmentation. IObit SmartDefrag helps defrag your hard drive most efficiently. With "Install it and forget it" feature, IObit SmartDefrag works automatically and quietly in the background on your PC, keeping your hard disk running at its speediest. Slow down, freeze-ups and crashes will be a thing of the past.

IObit SmartDefrag is 100% FREE for personal, home and small business. Analyzed by many strictest tests, IObit SmartDefrag is 100% safe and has no spyware/adware, working with Windows Vista, XP and 2000.

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