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Downloads [Download AVG Anti-Spyware Free Edition]
File Name: AVG Anti-Spyware Free Edition (Unknown Size) Download
Author: Grisoft (Uploaded by Sami)
Date Added: 04-11-2007
Downloads: 1796
Grade: A-
Simple, easy-to-use solutions have made AVG one of the most well-known names in Internet security for home and business users with comprehensive protection against viruses, spyware, spam, and Trojans. AVG Anti-Virus, Anti-Spyware and Firewall solutions are available as standalone modules or in the integrated AVG Internet Security Suite. Our security solutions come in single-user, network and server- based versions for a wide range of platforms.
Downloads [Download AVG Anti-Spyware Free Edition]

04-30-2007 at 05:06 PM
personally i think all AVG products suck!!! Norton anti virus is way better
mark c
04-01-2008 at 07:16 PM
do you have avg or not
12-05-2008 at 08:39 AM
My lack of participation is due to the bullies that haunt some of the fora...foul mouthed, nasty critters...not the least bit helpful.

I found the latest AVG too complicated to set up. As for Norton, a resource hog. I have always used Trend Microsystem's Internet Security System...easy to set up and easy to use...and you get reasonably quick service from the helpers via e-mail.
[email protected]
06-08-2009 at 01:31 PM

I have lost my Windows XP professional CD with key. I need to format my hard disk as it is infected. Can someone instruct me if there is any method I can copy the OS and drivers on DVD/media and after formatting the hard drive again install Windows XP.



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