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Old 08-08-2007, 03:44 AM
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Default Any NetScape browser experts out there?


I have most all versions loaded, and for a variety of reasons use each of them, at one time or another...

Just in the last few days, 7.2 has been getting wonky...I've never seen this before... Yes, I am aware of newer versions, but none of them come with an in-board mail client...and yes I have Firefox, and ThunderBird, but that's not the issue.

<- The back button in the upper left corner is not working properly.

Tap on it, at the appropriate time, and it does not "<- go back" to the previously visited page. Open it up, and "you" see a long list of "go back references," sometimes there are 3-10 of them, all going back to the same page. History gone mad! Tap on the first one and you DO go back...but not off the "<- go back button."

I suppose this tracking "memory" is in the history.dat file...mmmmmm? What do you think. I find that many, not all, .dat files can be opened as a .txt file by changing the extension...but since I'm using Netscape now to "talk" to you folks, I can't very well, open it up and see what's what. And, after a bit of flitting around the net, it all clears up, but in the first few instances it just bogs down in a long raft of links... So, turning it off, and then checking whatever file is the culprit, does not seem to be an option either...

A real poser...? Any ideas?

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