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How to reset all Internet Explorer 8 settings?

By dwarkarao
We browse and while browsing we tend to install many add-ons for the internet explorer and sometimes we install so many add-ons that the stability of the internet explorer is lost. We may then want to get the original IE back which has no add-ons installed on it. The following steps will guide you to reset all the internet explorer 8 settings to the original ones.

Step 1: Open internet explorer.
Step 2: Click on tools option.
Step 3: Select Internet Options.
Step 4: Click on the advanced tab.
Step 5: In the Reset Inter Explorer settings section, Click on the Reset Tab.
Step 6: An another new tab will come, which will ask for the conformation for resetting the settings.
Step 7: Settings will start to reset and when done click on CLOSE.
Step 8: For the process to complete you need to restart the computer.
Step 9: After restarting, it will come to start up wizard which will again ask you to install and after which you will get the same old IE.

That’s all, now you have got your old IE back which do not have any add-ons or any other extra settings which you have installed on it.

addons, delete add ons in ie, internet explorer

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