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How to Create A Microsoft Excel Macro in 7 Steps

By dwarkarao
Macro is an absolutely amazing way to reduce the work when you repeat some set of steps every time.

People who use Excel surely understand the importance of macros. Macros are meant to reduce their work to a great extent.

Each month you setup the same Sums, Formulas, Text Formatting, Pivot Table, and maybe more.

This could be very time consuming if you completed these steps individually each month.

So, under such cases you can easily create macros and reduce this bulky work in few steps by using keyboard shortcuts.

Below are the steps to record a macro in Microsoft Excel:
  1. Think of the keys required to complete the tasks
  2. Now click on Tools>>Macros>>Record>>New Macro
  3. Now assign a NAME for the Macro
  4. And also assign a SHORTCUT KEY for the Macro
  5. And Click on OK button
  6. Perform the steps needed to create your report (the steps you complete each month, which includes formulas, text formatting, etc)
  7. Now click on the STOP button on the Macro Toolbar to stop recording and is will also save the Macro.
That is all, now you can test the created Macro.

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