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15 Keyboard Shortcut keys for Windows 7

By dwarkarao
Windows 7 has reached most of its places and is being sold as hotcakes. With the gaining popularity, here is the list of 15 keyboard shortcuts which will make your work easier and quicker:

Windows + UP Arrow: It is used to maximize the current window which is in focus, whether it is a windows explorer, a web browser, or any other application.

Windows + DOWN Arrow: Minimizes the windows to the Task bar.
Windows + LEFT Arrow: Adjusts the current window to the left side and hence the window will cover almost half of the desktop space.
Windows + RIGHT Arrow: It will adjust the current window to the right and thus it will cover half of the desktop space on the right.
Windows + SPACE: All windows become transparent so you are able to see your desktop.
Windows + T: Shows the thumbnail preview of the running applications.
Windows + P: It is used to adjust the presentation options of the display on your computer or projector.
Windows + (+ or –): It launches the Magnifier which can be used to zoom in/zoom out.
Windows + Click a taskbar item: It opens a new instance of the particular application on which you clicked.
Windows + F: Windows + F is used to start the Windows Search.
Windows + X: It is used to run the Windows Mobility Center.
Windows + E: It is used to open the Windows Explorer.
Windows + [Number]: It is used to run the pinned applications on the taskbar, Windows + 1 will run the first pinned application on the task bar, similarly Windows + 2 will run the second pinned application and so on.
Windows + Tab: It will launch the Windows Aero task switcher.
Windows + Pause: It is used to load the system properties window.

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