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More Vista shortcut keys

By mabellitazz
Windows Vista has made a lot of changes as to where to find different things that you were used to before in previous versions of OS. Here are more Vista shortcut keys to make your Vista computer experience easier.

Ctrl+Shift+Esc -- opens the Task Manager
Ctrl+Alt+Del – opens the Tasks Screen
Ctrl+Shift+Enter -- Run an executable file with elevated privileges
Windows logo key+1 to 0 – Launches the different shortcuts on the Quick Launch toolbar
Windows logo key+T -- Cycles through programs on the taskbar
Windows logo key+Tab -- Cycles through programs on the taskbar by using Flip 3-D
Ctrl+Windows logo key+Tab -- Uses the arrow keys to cycle through programs on the taskbar by using Flip 3-D
Windows logo key+Spacebar -- Bring all gadgets to the front and select Windows Sidebar
Windows logo key+G -- Cycle through Sidebar gadgets
Windows logo key+X -- Open Windows Mobility Center
Open a folder and press & release Alt -- Show Menu Bar and may also work with Internet Explorer

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