Blu-Ray is the name of the technology that has been implemented for a Blu-Ray Disc. This technology is very similar to a CD or DVD, only it is far more accurate. Like a DVD, a Blu-Ray Disk is round and thin. When inserted into a Blu-Ray Player it is spun and a laser reads the information in a digital format. The difference with Blu-Ray is that it uses a more precise laser that is blue-violet in color, giving the technology its name. Using this color instead of red, gives the laser beam a shorter wavelength. This enables the laser to be focused as a smaller dot on the disc.
So, Blu-Ray Disks just have the information closer together giving them about 5 times the capacity of a DVD. With all of this space you can fit High Definition quality movies and sound on one disc. This will create an unprecedented home theater experience that will completely utilize the televisions that are HD capable. Another great feature of Blu-Ray is that it can read CDs and DVDs as well. With Blu-Ray you can use your existing library of movies and start building a new and better one too.
Players for Blu-Ray utilize the use of HDMI cables to ensure the best picture and sound quality. HDMI stands for High Definition Multimedia Interface which means that it was specifically designed for high definition applications. It is one cable that houses multiple wires for video and sound. This enables your components to transfer the digital video and audio streams in their purest form with less clutter. This is especially useful with new televisions that are designed to be hung on the wall.
As more of our media becomes high definition (tv, dvd, radio, video games) it is important to make sure that any televisions or audio equipment that you purchase have muliple HDMI ports so that they can handle more HD capable components as they become available.
More great information about Blu-Ray and other upcoming technology is available at