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Prevent Windows 7 from Appending “Shortcut” to New Shortcuts

By freshmorning2010
When you create a shortcut, Microsoft windows 7 will append this “shortcut” suffix to the icon’s text. This tutorial will help you to prevent from adding this suffix when a shortcut is created in windows 7.

a. Press Winkey + R in your keyboard to bring up the Run window.

b.Then type in your keyboard regedit and hit Enter for opening Registry editor.

c. Next go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curre ntVersion\Explorer and double clicked on the link at the right pane.

d. When the Edit Binary Value of window pops up in your screen, then change its value from 0000 1A 00 00 00 to 0000 00 00 00 00 and click OK.

e. Then turn off Registry Editor and restart your computer.
If you do this carefully, then if you go to create a new shortcut, the “Shortcut” suffix should not reappear.

Important Notification:
Please do not try to do it again after you close the Registry Editor path. Also if you do not restart your computer and try it at that time, you may fail to do so, because for this case the value back to the default, unless you might have to do it again.

tips and tricks, windows 7, windows help

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