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How to use Startup Repair in Windows 7

By dothy1005
The Start up Repair tool in Windows 7 is automatically installed into your operating system. This means that users can easily access this tool when needed. If the system experiences an unsuccessful boot, Start up Repair will instantly load and scan your computer for possible issues. Whenever possible this tool will automatically repair the problem so you can reboot as normal once the repair process has completed.

If the system is unable to boot, you may use the steps below to troubleshoot on the issue. Before you begin, it is advised that system hardware problems have been initially checked.

1. First, turn on the system and insert the installation DVD for Windows 7. Reboot. If you have made a bootable Windows 7 USB thumb drive, insert it during the start process.

2. When prompted, press any key. After this, you will see the screen that says Windows is loading files.

3. Then, you will be brought to the Install Windows screen. Choose your language, keyboard settings and the time format. Click on Next to go to the next step.

4. On the next screen, you will be given two options: Install Now or Repair Your Computer. Click on the Repair Your Computer option and you will see the options available for System Recovery.

5. Choose your operating system as well as the Use recovery tools that can help fix the problems.

6. Select the Start up Repair option to begin the repair process. By selecting this tool, missing or damaged files will be fixed. The system may restart a few times during this process.

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