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SysChat » Tips 'n' Tricks » Windows 7 » How to fix lost Taskbar settings after restarting in the automatic logon mode

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How to fix lost Taskbar settings after restarting in the automatic logon mode

By dwarkarao
There are many loop holes in the new released version of operating system by Microsoft Windows 7. One of those loop holes is that the taskbar settings are lost when the system in restarted in the automatic logon mode.

The problem is suppose you are working on the computer and you have made some settings on the taskbar like adding up few shortcuts, pinning up few application etc and when you restart your computer and logon using the automatic logon mode then you will find all the settings to be lost.

Anyhow this problem is not with all the windows 7 users but with few. The reason for this is the occurrence of race conditions between two windows executable files namely explorer.exe and taskhost.exe.

The solution for this is given by Microsoft in a hotfix numbered 979155. It is also recommended that the users who are not facing this problem to stay away from this hotfix as it requires much testing.

Download Microsoft Hotfix 979155.

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