| How to Delete Meta Data From The Files in Windows 7 By dwarkarao
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First of all, what actually do you mean by Meta data? Mata data is that fragile information which reveals a lot of information about you. For an example, the Meta data of an image file in your computer consists of details like the date and time on which photograph was taken, and the camera which was used.
Anybody can misuse that Meta data in one form or another. So, it is highly advised to delete Meta data from all such files. And the magical Windows 7 allows you to delete Meta data without the help of any third party program.
Here are the steps:
Step 1: Select File(s) and right click on them.
Step 2: Now, choose the options labeled as PROPERTIES.
Step 3: Now at the bottom of the window, click on the link labeled as “Remove Properties and Personal Information.”
Step 4: Now, select all the properties that you are willing to delete.
Step 5: Click on the OK button and that is all.
Now you have successfully deleted the Meta data of the selected files.