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Create a Hyperlink to a Different Document in an Excel Worksheet

By dothy1005
There would be times when you want to share data from other document in Excel. This short guide will teach you how you can create a hyperlink to another file.

First, launch your excel document and click on the cell where you want to insert the link. Go to the Insert tab and select the Hyperlink button. This will open the Insert Hyperlink box and this is where you may add the text to display. Then, look for the location of the file where you want to link too.

Once this is done, you will notice the text inside the cell is shown as a link. Hover the mouse pointer over the link and it will display the path going to the file.

If you click on the link, you will be brought to the file that you want to share. To go back to the original file that was opened, simply minimized the linked file and you will be brought back to the original file.

You can create a link in Excel to anywhere such as a webpage or a network location.

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