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Which motherboard is best for me? etc.... Discuss all the diffrent motherboards and problems that come with them!

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Old 01-01-2006, 02:55 PM
cheapquality cheapquality is offline
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Default Your Help!

Right the graphics card I ordered from Komplett is EOL. So they have offered me a discount on a future purchase, so... I am thinking with this discount that they are now going to offer me I may as well upgrade to a PCI-Express motherboard and get a PCI-e graphics card as they seem to be alot cheaper for the same spec than AGP. Could somebody who knows a bit more than me recomend a good motherboard from the following URL? I want it to be compatible with all my current hardware which I will list below! Also - Komplett Motherboards

Also if there are any graphics cards I should steer towards could you please let me know

Pentium 4 3.20GHz HT
1Gb DDR - wats the difference between ddr2 3 etc... i will upragde if neccesary!!


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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-23-2006, 01:56 AM
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Regarding the graphics card, i would suggest a 256MB graphics card, with HDTV, so that u will get pretty good graphics as well as be able to watch TV.

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