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Sound and Video

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 08-09-2007, 01:59 AM
sargeusmc sargeusmc is offline
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Question What's the scoop troops?

I have had 2 questions posted since 08-06-07 that haven't been answered yet. I was just wondering if they were too hard or what. I solved the first one myself. I'd still like to know what two digits you enter into "run" to open a list of everything on the computer like puting in i386 did on 2K. If I don't get an answer soon here I'll find somewhere else to look. Thanks.

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 08-09-2007, 09:27 AM
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PC List All of Your Files

Hello Sarge, I don't know about listing everything from run, but along the same lines you can type "" to open up your documents window?

If you go into the cmd prompt you type cd C:\ and then type dir c:\ \s /p to list everything on your c drive and all of its' subdirectories one page at a time.
To make a list for printing type:

Windows Vista: dir \s /o >c:\Users\yourusername\Desktop\dir.txt

Earlier versions of Windows: dir /s /o >dir.txt

I'll keep looking and see if I can find anything else.



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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 08-09-2007, 10:55 AM
sargeusmc sargeusmc is offline
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Default What the scoop troops

Thank you for your response. What I was talking about is you can enter something like star comma in run and it will open the same as what window 2K did with the i386 entry. I just can't remember what the combo is and I can't find my note book. Sometimes I like the way 2K was put together better than XP. I just had a thought! how far back does the forum archives go. I got that info from here when my computer crashed and I needed to see if I had the winnt32 files. And someone here gave me the two characters to enter into run to open all that up. Forgive me but I was run over by a big truck and fractured my skull and have memory problems. So thanks again for your help and if you can find the answer for me I will much appreciate it. Meanwhile I'm going to try and find the original answer in the archives if I can make that work. Thanks again and God bless your day.

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 08-09-2007, 05:41 PM
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Monitor Windows Run Command Shortcut

Hello Sarge, seems like a bit of a rare one. I'm struggling to find it anywhere, but neither can I find any mention of the one I posted to you earlier.( "" )

It didn't start or end with one of these by any chance '%' ?

If I come across it anywhere, like I said, I'll let you know.

You might want to ask Sami the administrator about how far the posts go back and if he can help find it.



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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 08-09-2007, 08:25 PM
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when i type i386 into Win2000 i get a cache of drivers, what results are you looking for exactly?
perhaps *.* is what you want, it will show EVERY file.


</Dream In Code>
-William. § (marvin_gohan)
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 08-10-2007, 09:50 AM
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Question List All of Your Files

Yeah, I've tried that with vista and it just says it can't find what I want.

So far I've found "" opens up the current users documents and """ opens up My Computer.
And "c:" opens up any drive that you specify.
I'll post if I find anymore



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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 08-10-2007, 11:38 AM
sargeusmc sargeusmc is offline
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Default What's the scoop troops

As I said my memory is shot full of holes(literally) and it may not have been on this site. I sure thought so. Also now that I have been thinking about it there could be 3 characters. And the way I remember it this is only for XP Pro to access the i386 files from run the easy way. Now it is one of those deals that will drive me nuts until I find out what it is!! My memory is not so far gone though that I can't remember that it exists and I have used it. I know there are other ways to get there, that is not the point. I want to know how to do it this way. Know what I mean? Anyway thanks bunches for humoring an old man and May God Bless Your Day!!

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