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Using the Amnesty Generator in Vista

By mabellitazz
One of the well loved features of Windows Vista is the Sidebar which displays most of the gadgets that you cannot live without. But sometimes, you stumble into a gadget that you want to place on your sidebar but can’t because it couldn’t run on your Sidebar. Hence, the dawn of the program Amnesty Generator. This free program allows you to get the gadget you want from the Web and make it into a gadget into your Windows Vista sidebar. Download and install first the Amnesty Generator program. When you see a gadget from the web that you want to put on your Sidebar, get the HTML code of that certain gadget. Copy the code and paste it on the Amnesty Generator, change some settings like the name and size of the gadget if you want, then let the Amnesty Generator transform it into a Vista gadget. From the Windows Vista Gadget Gallery, move it to the Sidebar and it will run like any Vista gadget. One drawback of this is that we are not sure if it can run with all gadgets on the Web. Its just going to be a trial and error thing.

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