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Test if infected by Conficker worm?

By dwarkarao
Although the worm Conficker (also known as Downup, Downandup, Conflicker, and Kido) has not had a serious impact on many millions of infected computers. There are number of ways to protect your computer from its attack and to remove it. But do you really know how to check if your computer is infected with Conficker virus.

One aim of Conficker is to block various URL addresses that include antivirus, Microsoft, and support sites that may help users remove the work itself.

Infected users can not open those links in their browser. Let's see how it works.

Will open six images on site. Three from URLs that are blocked by Conficker and three that are not blocked.

If your browser displays all six of the URL you were probably not infected. Otherwise you're probably infected with a variant (A, B or C). C is the worst.

Click here to check Conficker Eye Chart

conficker, conflicker, downandup, downup, infected, kido, virus, worm

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