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CPUs Overclocking and Modding

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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 04-03-2007, 01:13 PM
FOADA FOADA is offline
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Originally Posted by Cobalt View Post
Increasing the core voltage can be dangerous, but again, if you follow a guide from a trusted source and are prepared for the consequences of overclocking your machine, then there shouldn't be a problem.

In many cases you will actually need to increase the core voltage - After all, to run faster, the CPU will require more power - if it is already borderline at 1.5V, it will naturally require a higher core voltage if you were to overclock it.

However, increasing anything concerned with the CPU - Clock speed, multiplier, core voltage and so forth - should be done in small increments, one at a time. After each increase, you should test your PC thoroughly, especially under high load - When you start to have problems, simply roll back to the previous working settings and you have in effect the maximum that you can safely go to.

As for overclocking - you really should leave it unless you know what you are doing and are aware of the consequences. In truth, you will reduce the lifespan of your components, and the extent will depend on the level of overclocking. You can also quite easily go too far and end up with fried CPU - Though most machines these days have failsafes, such as shutting down the machine when a specified CPU temperature is reached, it shouldn't be relied upon - This really is at your own risk.
Alright so I SHOULD be all set and safe, I followed that guide, and this computers quite stable with the increased volts.

The chip isnt unlocked, its still the base of it, locked 12.5 multiplier, I only increased the clock speed on it and voltage.

playing games and such it will run around 52C unless I let the air get right to it. Then it drops to around 48-50 till I finish playing, after that it plummits down to mid 30's to 40. Thats the only thing Im worried about is the temp being too high.

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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2007, 06:44 PM
Cobalt Cobalt is offline
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In all honesty 52C isn't particularly high when under load, though granted you wouldn't want that figure if the machine was idle.

As long as you keep an eye on the temperature and you don't start hitting the 60's and above then I wouldn't worry about it - Your PC will probably belong in a museum by the time the detrimental effects of extra heat kill the CPU anyway.

Again, the key to overclocking is firstly to ensure that you have proper cooling and then to do it one small increment at a time. Yes, it is time consuming, but it is vital that you step it up a notch and test it thoroughly before making another adjustment. Failure to do so could have you pushing the CPU too far and ending up with a burnt out chip as soon as you do something CPU-intensive on your PC.

It sounds as though your setup is stable and staying relatively cool, so just keep an eye on those temperatures and otherwise enjoy the free extra few hundred megahertz.

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