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Old 12-28-2007, 03:46 PM
Daugust Daugust is offline
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 72
Daugust is on a distinguished road

Default Now I've Done it!!

My Dell 4300series pc is running Win XP. I ran into some problems and used the re-installation disk to run the Repair Console. Acutally chose install WinXP and used Repair from there to repair existing set-up. I got all sorts of .dll error messages as it was installing Windows. Once it was up and running I tried to logon to the internet and got another .dll error message and nothing would happen.
I decided to try to run Repair again which didn't get me anywhere. FOR SOME REASON I chose to go into set-up and change the boot sequence so that the hard - drive opened first and now all that happens is that it gets to the Dell window (prompts for F2 set-up and F12 Boot are in the upper right hand corner) and it won't do anything. It won't go to set-up, it won't open in SafeMode, nothing.
I know more than enough to be dangerous and less than enough to fix this mess.

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