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Integrate GTalk and Twitter To Windows Live Messenger

By dwarkarao
Gtalk and Twitter Buttons in Windows Live Messenger
Gtalk, Twitter and Windows Live Messenger are the three most popular applications among most of the Internet users. So integrating all of them together is nothing less that an absolute delight.

BuddyFuse is amazing add-on for Windows Live Messenger which costs you nothing. It allows you to use Gtalk, Twitter and Hyves which is a Dutch social networking service all together with Windows Live Messenger.

Apart from that, BuddyFuse performs the functions of GMail notifier also. Its icon will appear on the top right of the Windows Live Messenger.

How to Add Gtalk and Twitter to Windows Live Messenger

Firstly, you need to verify your Google and Twitter accounts with this chat application. Once you do that, you can click on BuddyFuse icon and then click on "Manage BuddyFuse Accounts" to add or remove accounts linked with it. You can enter the details of your Google and Twitter accounts in the provided space.

Associate Google and Twitter Accounts with Windows Live Messenger

Now, click on the GTalk button to sign in up in Google Talk. Once you do that, all the GTalk contacts will be displayed in the messenger. You can use it like just another chat application.

By enabling the “Automatically tweet status updates” option, you can update you status messages in Twitter.

Download BuddyFuse

google talk, twitter, update twitter status, windows live messenger

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