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How to use Windows XP Recovery Console

How to use Windows XP Recovery Console

Published by jlacosta

Default Introduction

The Recovery Console is a feature of Windows XP and Windows 2000 operating systems. As the name suggests, it's main function is to help you recover your system when Windows software does not boot properly. When you use the Windows Recovery system, you obtain limited access to the file systems (such as NTFS, FAT, and FAT32) without starting Windows graphical user interface (GUI).

However, it is recommended that you only use the Recovery Console after Safe Mode and other standard options do not work. There are also other tasks you can do in the Windows Recovery console, such as access system files and folders, you can also repair the Master Boot Record (MBR), as well create and format partitions.

Installing the Recovery Console to your hard drive:

It is highly recommended that you install the Recovery Console on your computer so that when problems occur, it is readily available.

Follow these steps to install the Recovery Console:
  1. Make sure that your Windows XP CD is in your CD-ROM drive, and then click the START button.
  2. Select the RUN menu option.
  3. Type in x:\i386\winnt32.exe /cmdcons, wherein X is the drive letter for your CD-ROM and press the OK button.
  4. After pressing the YES button, a confirmation box will appear and ask if you want to install the Recovery Console. Press YES to continue with the installation.
  5. A new screen will appear and the set up program will perform a Dynamic Update, just to make sure if you have all the latest files.
  6. When it has finished, a confirmation box stating that the Recovery Console has been installed. Just press OK and carefully remove the Windows XP CD from your CD-ROM.

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By sjohn on 06-25-2010, 01:17 AM

It is extremely important that you backup important data that is not available from other media sources. To recover your operating system when your computer does not start correctly or does not start at all, you may want to install and use the Windows Recovery Console. A Repair Install will replace the system files with the files on the XP CD used for the Repair Install. It will leave your applications and settings intact, but Windows updates will need to be reapplied.
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By MichelleChan on 08-16-2011, 02:47 AM

Quite useful, thanks for sharing!
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