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How to remove virus Hacked by GodZilla

By dwarkarao
We generally experience the following in our system if our pc gets affected by this Virus…

1) In IE, title bar is changed to Hacked By Godzilla

2) Double clicking on drive shows open with options.

Here is the procedure to remove virus “Hacked by Godzilla”

1. Double Click on My Computer icon on Desktop and select Tools –> Folder Options

2. In Folder Options click at View tab1. check at Show Hidden files and Folders

3. Uncheck the Hide extention… and Hide protected operating system file click OK.

4. Since this will make visible all the DLL files of our system…I request my friends Be cautious with the procedure..when we try to delete the virus…because we work with our operating System files too ….

5. Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete. The Windows Task Manager will display. Click at Processes tab
Now you can see many Processes running….In that Virus also makes its process run..we can see wscript.exe processes running..actually these are the Virus causing processes….

6. Select wscript.exe (one by one)

7. Click End Process button

8. Open drive (By right click and select Explore. Must not Double Click !) Delete autorun.inf and MS32DLL.dll.vbs (Press Shift+Delete) in all drives include Pen Drive and Floppy disk.(i.e; any R/W compatible memory devices….)

Remember, do not double click on drive just explore it and delete the virus.
By wfdaw0 on 05-29-2010, 09:26 PM

I am running Vista and there is "hacked by godzilla" added to the IE title bar. Otherwise there do not appear to be any other signs of the infection you and others have described. I tried your instructions for removal but couldn't find the tools option in My Computer! Obviously I am not an expert operator. Nor can I see any wscript.exe in Task Manager. I am worried that if I leave things as they are the infection will get worse. My virus protection is PC Tools Spyware Doctor and I am very disappointed that it let this infection in, because up until now nothing else has gotten past it. Can anyone please help me remove this from my computer?
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