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How to Revert to Your Old Taskbar Buttons

By dothy1005
If you are a new Windows 7 user, it may be kind of confusing for you to use and navigate their default taskbar. It may be way better than the old version but of course it will still take some time to become an expert on it. For some of you who feel that it may take a while for you to learn the new Windows 7 taskbar, we have a quick step by step guide for you to be able to revert things back to how it used to be when you had Windows XP or Windows Vista.

First, go to your taskbar, right-click on it, and then select Properties. Doing this would launch the Taskbar as well as the Start Menu Properties dialog box. Navigate to the Taskbar tab and locate the drop-down menu to select Taskbar buttons.

By default, this option is set to Always combine, hide labels. Simply change the setting to Combine when task bar is full or Never combine, whichever of these options suit your needs.

That’s it! You are now transported back in time and you have your old taskbar back!

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