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SysChat » Tips 'n' Tricks » Windows 7 » How To Repair Hibernation Error (STOP 0×000000A0 INTERNAL_POWER_ERROR) In Windows 7

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How To Repair Hibernation Error (STOP 0×000000A0 INTERNAL_POWER_ERROR) In Windows 7

By dwarkarao
Windows 7 is lot more than tweaking to a great extent. With time, you will come across number of errors occurring in Windows 7. Hibernation error is one of such type of errors.

But what actually Hibernation Error is? When you try to hibernate you computer powered by Windows 7, you might come across an error message saying “STOP 0×000000A0 INTERNAL_POWER_ERROR (0×0000000B, 0x????????, 0x????????, 0x????????)”.

This issue is caused when the size of the Hibernation file is not large enough for the current memory contents can be loaded on the system.

Below are the steps to get rid of this error forever:

1. Click on START button, click on ALL PROGRAMS button and then click on ACCESSORIES button.

2. Now, right click on COMMAND PROMPT, and then click on RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR.

Note: If you have protected your computer with administrative password, then confirm it by typing the administrator password when it prompts for it.

3. Now, in the COMMAND PROMPT window, type the following command and press ENTER:
“powercfg /hibernate /size 100”

4. Now, type EXIT and hit ENTER which will close the command prompt window.

That is all, now the HIBERNATION ERROR will not occur in your computer.

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