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How to remove unwanted programs completely with the Advanced uninstaller?

By dwarkarao
There are many reasons why we may not want a particular program to be present on our computer system. We always want the program that we do not want to be out of our system including from the system registry.

The freeware called as Advanced Uninstaller helps us in doing the same. It just removes the program that we do not want completely from the system including from the system registry. The special feature about this is that it has restoration points which can help us go back to that particular point if you want to. To remove the program using the advanced uninstaller follow the below steps:

Step 1: Install the freeware.
Step 2: Click on the exe file.
Step 3: It will open the Advanced Uninstaller.
Step 4: Select the mode of uninstall you want i.e. Standard or Advanced by clicking on the uninstall option on top.
Step 5: Select the program that you want to remove from the list of program options present.
Step 6: After selecting the program, click on uninstall.
Step 7: Confirm if you want to uninstall by clicking on Yes or No.
Step 8: It will automatically delete the files, it may take a while as it deletes them.
Step 9: You will receive a message saying your program has successfully has been deleted.
Step 10: Finally you will get a message which will ask for the final confirmation as the changes can not be restored.

That’s all now you have successfully removed the program that you want completely from the system.

Download AdvancedUninstaller
Advanced Uninstaller | Software Uninstaller | Uninstall Tool

advanced uninstaller, uninstall permantly

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