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How to remove System Tool 2011 virus on Windows

By dothy1005
System Tool 2011 is a harmful rogue antivirus threat that has been developed by hackers that makes an effort for you to buy the fake upgrade for your system. The virus that you have will likely have been downloaded from a kind of Internet source such as a fake email attachment or a malicious program, and will now be creating all types of problems on your computer. This virus can be removed manually by performing the steps outlined in this tip. You may also download and run an anti-malware program to take out this annoying virus.

1. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to stop the System Tool processes. Windows Task Manager will be launched and now you have to locate the following process:
(random characters).exe
2. Update the anti-virus program you currently have on your computer.
3. Run a full system scan then delete all detected infected file(s).
4. Go to the Windows registry and remove all System Tool entries as shown below. "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\System Tool 2011."
5. Exit registry editor.
6. Delete the System Tool start-up entry by navigating to Start > Run, type msconfig on the “Open” dialog box. System Configuration Utility will be launched. Go to Startup tab and uncheck the following Startup item(s):
(random characters).exe
7. Hit Apply and restart the system.

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