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How to remove Auto-Startup programs using Msconfig

By Sami
Remove unwanted programs from the startup list to Speed up your computers boot time.
  • Start
  • Run.. Type msconfig
  • Click on the Startup tab
This shows listing of programs that auto start when your computer is first booted.
Uncheck the boxes for the programs you no longer want to auto start.

Also check this free utility MSConfig Cleanup which cleans your Startup list.
By ChatMod#1 on 03-31-2006, 12:35 AM

Thanks for that. I was able to remove a few things that i didn't on. Also Sami will anything happen if i remove the tick for jusched and mobsync and cftmon, since they are under windows?
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By Sami on 03-31-2006, 12:49 AM

jusched is a Java Update Scheduler checks for/installs Java updates - its upto you if you want-to remove it from startup list you can.

mobsync is a process associated with Internet Explorer and is used to synchronize the offline pages you have chosen to be stored locally with the matching online pages. If you are not a regular IE user you can remove it from your startup list.

cftmon is a part of the Microsoft Office suite, if it is not hurting you just leave it.
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By ChatMod#1 on 03-31-2006, 02:51 AM

I do use IE a lot, but i don't have any offline pages, so will it matter then?
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By Risherz on 03-31-2006, 06:56 PM

Originally Posted by ChatMod#1
I do use IE a lot, but i don't have any offline pages, so will it matter then?
Well since you don't use it so often it doesn't matter whether you have it left running or not. Because this process doesn't hog all your memory resources even if it is left running. So if you don't use it then you can get rid of it, but it won't make a lot of difference though.

Basically what to want to get rid of is programs like Quicktime (if you have it on your computer) and so on that automatically start up, even if you don't want it to. And when you get rid of programs like this, your start up is surely going to get faster.
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By William_Wilson on 04-01-2006, 05:14 PM

A very good tip, especially when trying to remove viruses, etc. They often place themselves into the startup and run in the background making their deletion more difficult.
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By ChatMod#1 on 04-04-2006, 06:21 AM

Oh k. Thanks for that guys. But after i removed the ticks for the files that i didn't want to start-up, every time i start/log onto the comp it asks me regarding that. I keep pressing don't ask again but it keeps asking. Why is that?
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