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How To Open Multiple Gmail/Orkut/Yahoo Accounts Simultaneously

By dwarkarao
Do you use more than one Gmail account? I know most of us do. And you surely want to access those accounts simultaneously in a single web browser as it would save much time of yours. I am going to share a trick with you, which will allow you to access multiple Gmail accounts simultaneously on Mozilla Firefox.

Below are the steps:

1. Right click on the MY COMPUTER icon and select the options labeled as PROPERTIES

2. Here, click on the button labeled as ADVANCED PROPERTIES and click on the ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES button

3. Now in the SYSTEM VARIABLES section, click on the NEW button and enter the below values in the field provided-

Variable name = moz_no_remote
Variable value = 1
And click on the OK button.

4. Now on the desktop, right click on the Firefox icon and right click on it and select the PROPERTIES

5. Now add “-p” to the whole value given in Target field. For example- “C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe” –p) and click on OK button

6. Now when launch the Firefox web browser it will ask you to choose PROFILE

7. Here, you can create a your own profile by clicking on CREATE PROFILE button

8. So you can create as many profiles as you want and every time you launch Firefox, you can select a different profile and sign in different Gmail, Orkut or Yahoo IDs simultaneously.

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