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How to convert Excel Worksheet into a graph sheet?

By dwarkarao
Sometime during preparation of any document we may require graph sheets and all of a sudden we may not get it. Then we have a solution that is you can just print a graph sheet using Excel by changing row, height and gridlines and get a A4 sized graph sheet.

The following steps will help you how to do so:

Step 1: Launch Excel 2010.

Step 2: Click on the corner where the rows and columns start in order to select the entire sheet.

Step 3: Browse to the Format option and select Row Height.

Step 4: Enter the value of the row height.

Step 5: Browse to the Format option and select Column Width.

Step 6: Enter the value for the Column width.

Step 7: You can see that the excel sheet is in the form of graph paper.

Step 8: Now click on the page layout and select A4.

Now the excel sheet will be formatted in A4 size paper. Just take a print and go ahead with your documents. Try it and design your own graph sheet.

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