The steps below show you how to configure your computer to connect to a Virtual Private Network (VPN) in Windows 7.
1) Open the Control Panel and open Network and Sharing Center.
2) Click on Set up a new connection or network.
3) Select Connect to a workplace then click on Next.
4) Select Use my internet connection (VPN)
5) Mention IP address or computer name where you want to connect and your connection name under the Destination name field.
6) Enter a User name and password that has been granted access to the host computer. If you put a check mark on the Show password field, it will display your password instead of dots. You can also choose to save your password and enter a Domain.
7) To connect to using the created VPN connection, you can either right-click on the Network icon in the system tray and select Network and Sharing Center or go to Control Panel and open Network and Sharing Center, and click on Connect to a network.

Connect VPN Connection windows appears. Clicking on Connect initiates the connection. Clicking on Proprieties allows you to modify the VPN Connection Properties as well as configure connection sharing.