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SysChat » Tips 'n' Tricks » Printing » Easy Printing of Webpages by Mypage


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Easy Printing of Webpages by Mypage

By jwd_max
In doing your research, you either save the data that you get on your computer. But what if you are doing research on a public terminal? You either have to save on a USB flash drive or just print it out. Unfortunately, when you print out a webpage, it uses up two to three pages of paper, with only one page containing the pertinent information needed. Most of them are the banners, ads, logos, toolbars, etc. It wastes a lot of paper, ink and not to mention money. So what do you need to do? Some websites offer a printer friendly version of their site which is easier for you. But for those who don’t, you can use a program named MyPage bookmarklet. This program makes any website printer friendly. You just need to download this program from a website, add it to your computer. Go to the web page that you want to print out and click the bookmarklet. Highlight the text, pictures, etc that you want to be printed. Then proceed to printing. And that’s all there is to it!

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