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Easier File Searching in Vista

By louvince
There is a new search feature in Microsoft Windows Vista. It is a search facility that allows you to look for documents and files from the Windows Explorer window and even from a text area directly under the Start Menu.

It does not only search for a file name but what the document or file contains as well. It is very helpful when you cannot remember the title of the document you downloaded and saved but only what it contains.

For example, you remember that the document starts with “Isn’t life beautiful?” So you just have to type “Isn’t life beautiful?” on the search field and it will search all files on the hard drive to give you all documents and files with the words “Isn’t life beautiful?” in them.

You will usually get a very limited result unless these words are written on every document and file that you have on your computer. If you get several hundred results on the words that you type, you have to try and be more specific with your words on the search field. Isn’t this cool!

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