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SysChat » Tips 'n' Tricks » Hardware » Bumps on keyboards


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Bumps on keyboards

By bootylicious
Have you ever lost your hand position while long distance typing on your keyboard? Since touch typing is needed when encoding a whole bunch of documents, it may actually be very frustrating, not to mention suicidal to see that several pages of your document has been encoded with the wrong hand placement making the word Microsoft spell like this nucrisift or sometimes even worse.

I suggest that you look at your keyboard and note those two little humps, bumps or elevations located in the keys for the letter F and J. These are your hand position markers. They mark the position of your forefingers on the keyboard and consequently your other fingers follow. So the next time you lose your place on the keyboard, feel for those two tiny somethings on the keys. They will direct you to the right place.

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