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Old 04-28-2006, 09:14 PM
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William_Wilson William_Wilson is offline
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Best case scenario is to turn your PC off before opening, but... i don't always, lol (do that at your own risk)
there will be a cable from your monitor to the back of your case, the card attatched to that is your video card, it will likely have a fan (but not guarenteed based on the speed of it)
Th card will be perpendicular to your motherboard and based on the lack of extras you have stressed elsewhere, it will likely be the only card of this type.
Plus it should say Savage or Pro Savage somewhere on it, you are looking for a model number, it may also include letters, so be careful when recording it Once you have that, getting the specific drivers should be easy, if you need more help feel free to post again if you cannot find the drivers or if they still will not install there are a few tricks that can be implemented to force drivers to be used (incase you have onboard video as well)


</Dream In Code>
-William. ยง (marvin_gohan)
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