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$100 Laptop Moves Closer To Launch

$100 Laptop Moves Closer To Launch

Published by Sami

Laptop $100 Laptop Moves Closer To Launch

The little laptop that some say might change the world has moved closer to launch, and gotten a little bit pricier. Nicholas Negroponte, cofounder of MIT's Media Lab and head of the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) nonprofit organization, said on Friday that the laptop, originally projected to cost $100, would probably cost closer to $135 to $140 at launch.

He said that, with volume, this price could drop to $100 in 2008 and possibly to $50 by 2010.

"That is a start price," Negroponte told an audience of Linux enthusiasts at the Red Hat conference in Nashville. "But what we have to do is, with every release, make it cheaper and cheaper -- we are promising that the price will go down."

The rugged, 2-pound laptop will be able to make its price goal, Negroponte said, not only by emphasizing essentials but also by eliminating sales and marketing costs that commercial computers have.

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