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How to Uninstall Security Tool Virus

By dothy1005
Security Tool, also known as SecurityTool, is a harmful Trojan virus that can be downloaded into your system without your knowledge. One common cause of SecurityTool is browser hijacking. It can also cause some problems when you install a malicious application or program on your system.

When this happens, SecurityTool will start giving you problems such as fake scans and pop-up alerts. After sometime, you will be duped into buying a “full version” of the program, which may lead to more complications. If you want to remove the SecurityTool virus, follow these steps:

1. Terminate the Security Tool process from running by doing the any of the following steps:

• Restart your system in safe mode. SecurityTool will not be running while you are in safe mode.

• Launch the Task Manager and stop the 5-10 digit file trace. (Ex. 1234567890.exe)

• Navigate to the file location of SecurityTool and re-name it. Once done, restart the system.

2. Remove the Security Tool Executable performing any of these steps:

• Locate the Security Tool executable and delete the file

Security Tool File location in Vista and Windows 7 will be one of the following

C:\Users\%YOUR USER ACCOUNT NAME%\AppData\Local\
C:\Users\%YOUR USER ACCOUNT NAME%\AppData\Local\Numbered- folder-5-10-digits-long\
C:\Users\%YOUR USER ACCOUNT NAME%\AppData\Roaming\

• If you cannot find the file then run a full scan using a legitimate antispyware program like Superantispyware.

3. Delete Security Tool Registry entries such as:


4. Scan your system with a reliable Antivirus program to ensure you have no other viruses. Run a full scan.

If you followed the above steps you should of been able to remove Security Tool from your computer.

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