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How to enable Virtual WI-FI in windows 7

By dothy1005
Virtual Wi-Fi is a new feature of Windows 7 that is capable of turning your laptop or desktop into a software based router. This means that any equipment or gadget that is capable of connecting via Wi-fi and is within a specific range will detect you as a new network. When you login, you can instantly share your internet connection to these gadgets.

So, if your wi-fi card and drivers are enabled, you will see another wireless adapter named "Wireless Network Connection 2, Microsoft Virtual Wifi Miniport adapter". To properly configure this, you will need to use the command line.

Open the command prompt using the administrator’s account.

On the command prompt, key in the ff:

C:\Windows\system32>netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=MYLAPTOPSWIFI key=mypassword

You should see the result similar to any of the following lines:

The hosted network mode has been set to allow.
The SSID of the hosted network has been successfully changed.
The user key passphrase of the hosted network has been successfully changed.

Next, type C:\Windows\system32>netsh wlan start hostednetwork

You should see the result similar to:

The hosted network started.

You may now share your active Internet connection to this Virtual WIFI and connect from another device to MYLAPTOPSWIFI.

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